Student Success

Principal Clarinet, Maryland All-State Band + 5 other All-State Winners
Congratulations to Justin Wang, Principla Clarinet of the 2025 Maryland All-State Junior band. Also Congratulations to all the students who won places in the All-State ensembles Senior Band Juniper Bruniger: Assistant Principal, Senior All-State Band Jeremiah Lee...
Andy Yan Wins State MTNA Competition
Congratulations to Andy for winning the Maryland MTNA Senior Woodwind Competiton. He performed three pieces from different time periods. Now for the 11-state district competition!
Students Win Youth Orchestra Auditions
Congratulations to the newest members of Maryland Classic Youth Orchestras (MCYO), American Youth Orchestras (AYP), and Potomac Valley Youth Orchestra. MCYO Philharmonic Juniper Brinegar Allan Di Jeremiah Lee Symphony Andy Yan Young Artists Felicia He Joyce Liu Justin...
Woodwind Achievement Award Competition
Out studio showed up for the competition and the students did a great job. They won, and learned a lot in the process. Senior Division 1st Place: Allan Di 2nd Place: Edward Wang Intermediate Division 2nd Place: Jeremiah Lee Honorable Mention: William Yan...
Concerto Competition Winners
Congratulations to the Winners of the Northern Virginia Music Teachers Association Woodwind Concerto Competition. Senior Division 1st Place: Edward Wang Intermediate Division 1st Place: Andy Yan Elementary Division 1st Place: Felicia He 2nd Place: Joyce Liu Primary...
Maryland All-State Band
Congratulations to the audition winners: Joey Ahn, Allan Di, Jerry Du, Jeremiah Lee, and Andy Yan
Principal Clarinet, DC Youth Orchestra
Congratulations to Jerry Du for winning the audition to become Principal Clarinet of the DCYO's premier orchestra. He will be touring Europe in the summer of 2024.
New Members of MCYO, one of DC’s Premier Youth Orchestra Programs
Philharmonic Co-Principals: Angela Shen and Joey Ahn Jeremiah Lee Symphony William Yan Young Artists Andy Yan Clarinet Choir Felicia He and Joyce Liu
Two All-State Principal Clarinetists for 2023!
So Proud of Our Studio's Maryland All-State Musicians! Kevin Wu is Principal Clarinet of the Senior All-State Orchestra.Jeremiah Lee is Principal Clarinet of the All-State Junior Band.Jerry Du is second clarinet of the Senior All-State Band, and Allan Di is one of the...
Joey A. Wins State Woodwind Competition.
Congratulations to Joey Ahn for winning the Maryland Music Teachers Association Senior Woodwind Competition." Next step is the divisional competition consisting of winners from 11 states. I'm really happy for Joey; he worked very diligently for this success.